Beautiful Love*

Love’s agents





Has Agents

A touch

A kiss on the forehead

That look

The whisper of thank you

The sweet note you left in my pocket

Love is you


It’s the look in your eyes


You ask of my wellbeing

Its the excitement with which


Greet and

Hug me

They always communicate

I want

To lift you up and

Spun you around

It’s that goofy smile you have on

Whenever I walk into a room

Love has agents

And you are their chess master


It’s the relishing surprise I have

When an edited picture of me

Pops up from you

It’s the confidence with which you

Proudly introduce me to the world

As yours

It’s the way you cling to my hand

Whenever our feet hit the ground

It’s the unceasing flow of advice

And books you continue to shower me


Love has agents

And you are their chef


So when you kiss me

And lay me down at dusk…

I’m wet even before you beg entry

For my mind is drunk with love

And passion

Drugged with you

And your side effects…

So virile I’m on heat for you!


Love has agents

And you are their embodiment

And i

Am only but

The luckiest woman on earth!








Naughty House Wife





Come home to me

In the bedroom

They’re neatly washed and ironed

Your shirts

And our bed sheet freshly laid

And I’ll be your lover…

Fulfilling all your wild fantasies


Come home to me

In the kitchen

Your favorite meals are gently

Steaming and you can smell it

Even before you remove your tie

In the doorway

And I’ll be your Queen…reaching

Your heart through your belly


Stay home with me

In the garden where

I write poems of you and your

Smile…your manly strength

With which you take me every night

Making me a woman every twilight

Baby I’ll be your mother

Will lay your head on my lap next to

My bosom and read you the

Poems I’ve written of you among

The roses and sunflowers


Tarry a while before you go to work

And maybe we could make delicious


One more time

In the pool…

Wet and moist

And i promise I’ll fix your tie

Before you go to work

And your boss wouldn’t know

Your wife is crazy

Cracy in love with you.



Natasha Asare








