
It’s all about Love Poems..childish…mature…risque…exploring the darker aspects of love…fearful…destructive….the complexities and ramifications of falling in love


When I use:

#⃣ Cayenne

Its either the poem was written to my ex or the poem was written by my wild and naughty side. You feel me?

#⃣ Natasha- City

Its of my current relationship as at 2014.

#⃣ Tasha/ Natasha Asare/ Yaa Esaah

Its just the normal me.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award #6! | Getting Through Anxiety

  2. acquiescent72 says:

    Hi! Thanks for the follow on my blog!
    Just the little bit of yours I have read, speaks of you having powerful feelings and emotions and I’m truly interested in your posts!

    Looking forward to reading more. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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